Dear Colleagues,
My name is Mike Javanmard, and I've had the privilege of serving as an Economics Instructor at Rio Hondo College since 2006. I am honored to have been elected as your RHCFA President, and I’m pleased to introduce the dedicated leadership team that will support our efforts this year:
Jodi Senk – Vice-President
Jeanie Liu – Treasurer
Marie Eckstrom – Secretary and Chief Negotiator
Diana Valladares – Past President
Rudy Rios – Grievance Chair
Grant Tovmasian – Representative at Large
Raquel Flores-Olsen Representative at Large
Martha Carreon – Part-time Representative
Vacant – Part-time Representative
Dorali Pichardo-Diaz - Membership Chair
Connie Isais - Communications Chair
Our primary goal this year, in consultation with the Academic Senate, is to negotiate a contract that enhances educational excellence and ensures that you have a strong voice in your professional lives. We firmly believe that you should be professionally compensated for your expertise and dedication.
As we move forward, particularly after bidding farewell to many retiring colleagues, we expect the College to replace these vital faculty positions to meet the State Faculty Obligation Number. RHCFA will passionately advocate for a well-compensated salary schedule and employer-paid healthcare benefits, which are essential to attracting and retaining scholarly, intelligent, creative, and dedicated personnel at Rio Hondo College.
I would also like to remind all members that if you are called to meet with the Administration and believe there is a possibility of disciplinary action, please assert your Weingarten Rights. Either Rudy Rios or I will be available to attend the meeting with you to provide support.
I look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings and representing your interests this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.
Best regards,
Mike Javanmard
RHCFA President
Economics Instructor, Rio Hondo College
Mike Javanmard
Jodi Senk
Jeannie Liu
Marie Eckstrom
Raquel Flores-Olson
Grant Tovmasian
Martha Carreon
Connie Isais
Rudy Rios
Marie Eckstrom
Dorali Pichardo-Diaz
Diana Valladares
Eric Kaljumägi
The Rio Hondo College Faculty Association is comprised of over 550 full-time and part-time faculty members. About 60% of the members are part-time faculty, ranging from those who teach several classes per term in Communications to hourly instructors who work only a single weekend day teaching a Public Safety class. Since we are involved with higher education, we are part of the Community College Association (CCA), a group representing about ten thousand college professors in California. In turn, CCA is part of the California Teachers Association (CTA) who serves about three hundred thousand educational professionals in the state. We are also part of the National Education Association (NEA) who represents three million members in the country.
The Rio Hondo College Faculty Association is an “agency-fee, wall-to-wall union.” This means that all faculty, both full- and part-time, who work at the college pay dues to the Association, whether they are members or not. Non-members can obtain a percentage of their yearly dues returned by completing the paperwork sent to them by CTA in the fall. Beyond this, there are no advantages to not being a member. There are, however, many benefits to being a member as described below.
Members are able to vote in officer elections and for ratification of negotiated agreements, receive benefits such as promotional items and meals at meetings, can run for Association offices, may attend Community College Association conferences, and have greater levels of paid representation in arbitrations with the District.
Since membership in RHCFA also confers membership in the California Teachers Association and National Education Association, members receive a whole slew of additional benefits which include the following:
The majority of your dues go to CTA who use the funds for membership benefits (which can be accessed here), advocacy, scholarships, and other purposes related to education. Some of your dues go to CCA and NEA who also provide services and benefits to faculty (NEA benefit information can be found here). A small portion of your dues are retained locally. Note that all faculty at Rio Hondo College pay the same dues, regardless of being a member or not. There is little benefit in not being a member. If you are unsure of your status or want to join, please contact us.