2017-10-06 Tentative Agreement
This agreement establishes committees to approve the rights of the RHCFA to meet with new faculty and to revise the peer review forms.
2017-05-15 Tentative Agreement
This agreement provides for rehire rights for part-time faculty.
2016-04-29 Tentative Agreement
This agreement is the settlement of the 2016-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Significant provisions include salary increases, dental and vision for part-time faculty, the inclusion of mediation in the grievance process, and provisions for part-time hourly work to count towards step advancement.
2015-01-22 Tentative Agreement
This agreement involves limited modifications with respect to how sick leave is taken by full-time faculty members.
2014-05-16 Tentative Agreement
This agreement included salary increases for three years. In addition, there were provisions for distance education, student learning outcomes, and other areas.
2013-11-01 Instructional Survey / Member Evaluation
This memorandum of understanding approved the Student Evaluation Survey and Unit Member Evaluation Report for use with non-tenured faculty members.
2013-01-11 Tentative Agreement
This agreement aligned leave provisions for part-time faculty working hourly and on load, overhauled the article on evaluations, updated the FMLA language, and cleaned up a few other areas.
Classroom Hours Settlement (01-19-2012)
This TA settled an issue relating to a discrepancy between scheduled class times and contractual class times. HCFA gained an increase in the part-time health care pool and the dropping of the half Flex day in the Fall.
2011-07-25 Tentative Agreement
This TA is for settlement of the 2010-2013 contract. Major provisions include sick leave for hourly faculty and student contact/desk time for counselors and librarians. Several minor issues were resolved as well.
Memorandum of Understanding (05-05-2010)
This was a simple MOU relating to the evaluation of full-time nurses as required by their accrediting agency.
Tentative Agreement (01-11-2010)
This TA included the adoption of permanent language for distance education, a trial change in the manner in which sabbaticals are granted, confirmation that lifetime medical benefits would go to people with 15 years of experience even if they are not 62 years old, and retirement incentives.
This changed the amount that a part-time instructor can work without being granted tenure rights to 67%, from 60%.
Tentative Agreement (01-09-2009)
This agreement included the removal of the “two-tier system” for health care, changed the maximum health care coverage to PersChoice, added an extra half day of Flex in the fall, increased the sick leave allotment for full-time faculty to 11 days per year and decreased the number of hours to accrue an hour of sick leave for part-time work to 17 hours, and gave the Association an additional 20% reassigned time per term.
PersCare Switch (10-03-2007)
In this letter, CalPERS stated that any employee who reaches the $2 million lifetime maximum under PersChoice will be allowed to switch to PersCare even outside the open enrollment period.
Online Education, Health Care (08-25-2008)
This set forth an interim agreement for health care (later extended in 2009) as well as carried over health care for 2009.
Tentative Agreement (11-20-2007)
This provided for a 4.53% salary increase for the 2007-2008 school year, carried over health care for 2008, and modified the lab hours for science courses.
Workload for Counselors, Librarians, etc. (10-09-2007)
This redefined contact time and other aspects of workload for counselors, librarians, and coordinators. The District claims that this was never approved by the Board of Trustees and is, therefore, invalid.
Compressed Calendar and 1.67% Factor (12-14-2005)
This was the agreement that established the compressed calendar and reconfigured weekly assignments. In addition, the 1.67% load factor for combined classes was included.
Tentative Agreement (03-14-2005)
In this agreement, there were fundamental changes in the requirements for lifetime medical benefits, including the implementation of the “two-tier” system and the change in the vesting period from 5 to 15 years.